Module: Bibleverse Warning: You are not logged in. Your IP address will be publicly visible if you make any edits. If you log in or create an account, your edits will be attributed to your username, along with other benefits.Anti-spam check. Do not fill this in! -- This module implements Template:Bibleverse. local p = {} --codes from bvf that may be in use local version_num_codes = { [9] = 'kjv', [31] = 'niv', [45] = 'amp', [49] = 'nasb', [64] = 'nivuk', [51] = 'nlt', [65] = 'msg', [76] = 'nirv', [105] = 'he', [104] = 'jps', [120] = 'opb', [121] = 'bb', [122] = 'bbc', [123] = 'bbl', [131] = 'nrsv', } --possible book inputs, based on Chicago Manual local book_aliases = { ['genesis'] = {'gen', 'gn'}, --old testament/tanakh ['exodus'] = {'exod', 'ex'}, ['leviticus'] = {'lev', 'lv'}, ['numbers'] = {'num', 'nm'}, ['deuteronomy'] = {'deut', 'dt'}, ['joshua'] = {'josh' , 'jo'}, ['judges'] = {'judg', 'jgs'}, ['ruth'] = {'ru'}, ['1_samuel'] = {'1sam', '1sm'}, ['2_samuel'] = {'2sam', '2sm'}, ['1_kings'] = {'1kgs'}, ['2_kings'] = {'2kgs'}, ['1_chronicles'] = {'1chron', '1chr'}, ['2_chronicles'] = {'2chron', '2chr'}, ['ezra'] = {'ezr'}, ['nehemiah'] = {'neh'}, ['esther'] = {'est'}, ['job'] = {'jb'}, ['psalms'] = {'ps', 'pss', 'psalm'}, ['proverbs'] = {'prov', 'prv'}, ['ecclesiastes'] = {'eccles', 'eccl', 'qoheleth'}, ['song_of_solomon'] = {'songofsol', 'songofsongs', 'song', 'sg', 'canticles', 'canticleofcanticles'}, ['isaiah'] = {'isa', 'is'}, ['jeremiah'] = {'jer'}, ['lamentations'] = {'lam'}, ['ezekiel'] = {'ezek', 'ez'}, ['daniel'] = {'dan', 'dn'}, ['hosea'] = {'hos'}, ['joel'] = {'jl'}, ['amos'] = {'am'}, ['obadiah'] = {'obad', 'ob'}, ['jonah'] = {'jon'}, ['micah'] = {'mic', 'mi'}, ['nahum'] = {'nah', 'na'}, ['habakkuk'] = {'hab', 'hb'}, ['zephaniah'] = {'zeph', 'zep'}, ['haggai'] = {'hag', 'hg'}, ['zechariah'] = {'zech', 'zec'}, ['malachi'] = {'mal'}, ['baruch'] = {'bar'}, --apocrypha/deuterocanon ['ecclesiasticus'] = {'ecclus', 'wisdomofsirach', 'sirach', 'sir'}, ['1_esdras'] = {'1esd'}, ['2_esdras'] = {'2esd'}, ['judith'] = {'jth', 'jdt'}, ['1_maccabees'] = {'1macc', '1mc'}, ['2_maccabees'] = {'2macc', '2mc'}, ['3_maccabees'] = {'3macc', '3mc'}, ['4_maccabees'] = {'4macc', '4mc'}, ['prayer_of_manasseh'] = {'profman', 'prayerofmanasses'}, ['susanna'] = {'sus'}, ['tobit'] = {'tob', 'tb'}, ['wisdom_of_solomon'] = {'ws', 'wisdom', 'wisofsol'}, ['prayer_of_azariah'] = {'prayerofazariahandhymnofthethreechildren'}, ['rest_of_esther'] = {'additionstoesther'}, ['bel_and_the_dragon'] = {'bel'}, ['epistle_of_jeremiah'] = {'letterofjeremiah'}, ['matthew'] = {'matt', 'mt'}, --new testament ['mark'] = {'mk'}, ['luke'] = {'lk'}, ['john'] = {'jn'}, ['acts'] = {'actsoftheapostles'}, ['romans'] = {'rom'}, ['1_corinthians'] = {'1cor'}, ['2_corinthians'] = {'2cor'}, ['galatians'] = {'gal'}, ['ephesians'] = {'eph'}, ['philippians'] = {'phil'}, ['colossians'] = {'col'}, ['1_thessalonians'] = {'1thess', '1thes'}, ['2_thessalonians'] = {'2thess', '2thes'}, ['1_timothy'] = {'1tim', '1tm'}, ['2_timothy'] = {'2tim', '2tm'}, ['titus'] = {'ti'}, ['philemon'] = {'philem', 'phlm'}, ['hebrews'] = {'heb'}, ['james'] = {'jas'}, ['1_peter'] = {'1pet', '1pt'}, ['2_peter'] = {'2pet', '2pt'}, ['1_john'] = {'1jn'}, ['2_john'] = {'2jn'}, ['3_john'] = {'3jn'}, ['jude'] = {'jude'}, ['revelation'] = {'rev', 'apocalypse', 'apoc', 'rv'}, } local apoc = { ['1_esdras'] = true, ['2_esdras'] = true, ['judith'] = true, ['1_maccabees'] = true, ['2_maccabees'] = true, ['3_maccabees'] = true, ['4_maccabees'] = true, ['prayer_of_manasseh'] = true, ['susanna'] = true, ['tobit'] = true, ['wisdom_of_solomon'] = true, ['prayer_of_azariah'] = true, ['rest_of_esther'] = true, ['bel_and_the_dragon'] = true, ['epistle_of_jeremiah'] = true, ['sirach'] = true, ['ecclesiasticus'] = true, } --these books only have one chapter, have to be handled differently local no_chapters = { ['obadiah'] = true, ['epistle_of_jeremiah'] = true, ['prayer_of_azariah'] = true, ['susanna'] = true, ['bel_and_the_dragon'] = true, ['prayer_of_manasseh'] = true, ['philemon'] = true, ['2_john'] = true, ['3_john'] = true, ['jude'] = true, } --sets the website to be used for each version, biblegateway is the fallback so don't define any for it local site_tbl = { nrsv = 'oremus', nrsvae = 'oremus', kjv = 'wikisource', asv = 'wikisource', wyc = 'wikisource', ws = 'wikisource', web = 'wikisource', he = 'mechon_mamre', jps = 'mechon_mamre', niv = 'biblica', nivuk = 'biblica', amp = 'biblica', ab = 'biblica', msg = 'biblica', nlt = 'biblica', nirv = 'biblica', nab = 'usccb', bb = 'bible_hub', bbc = 'bible_hub', bbl = 'bible_hub', opb = 'bible_hub', esv = 'esv_bible', } --pattern for the url of each site using _book etc. (underscore then letters [a-z]) for variables local urlpat_tbl = { oremus = '', wikisource = 's:Bible (_version)/_book#_schap:_svers', mechon_mamre = '', biblica = '', usccb = '', biblegateway = '', bible_hub = 'https://_version/_book/_schap-_svers.htm', esv_bible = '', } --changes book name to use in url for each site, only if necessary local site_book_tbl = { oremus = { ['epistle_of_jeremiah'] = 'letter of jeremiah', }, usccb = { ['song_of_solomon'] = 'song_of_songs', ['wisdom_of_solomon'] = 'wisdom', ['ecclesiasticus'] = 'sirach', }, mechon_mamre = { ['genesis'] = '01', ['exodus'] = '02', ['leviticus'] = '03', ['numbers'] = '04', ['deuteronomy'] = '05', ['joshua'] = '06', ['judges'] = '07', ['1_samuel'] = '08a', ['2_samuel'] = '08b', ['1_kings'] = '09a', ['2_kings'] = '09b', ['isaiah'] = '10', ['jeremiah'] = '11', ['ezekiel'] = '12', ['hosea'] = '13', ['joel'] = '14', ['amos'] = '15', ['obadiah'] = '16', ['jonah'] = '17', ['micah'] = '18', ['nahum'] = '19', ['habakkuk'] = '20', ['zephaniah'] = '21', ['haggai'] = '22', ['zechariah'] = '23', ['malachi'] = '24', ['1_chronicles'] = '25a', ['2_chronicles'] = '25b', ['psalms'] = '26', ['job'] = '27', ['proverbs'] = '28', ['ruth'] = '29', ['song_of_solomon'] = '30', ['ecclesiastes'] = '31', ['lamentations'] = '32', ['esther'] = '33', ['daniel'] = '34', ['ezra'] = '35a', ['nehemiah'] = '35b', } } --changes to the version name to be used in urls, only if necessary local site_version_tbl = { mechon_mamre = { he = 'p/pt/pt', jps = 'e/et/et', }, wikisource = { kjv = 'King James', ['9'] = 'King James', asv = 'American Standard', ws = 'Wikisource', web = 'World English', wyc = 'Wycliffe', }, bible_hub = { bb = '', bbc = '', bbl = '', opb = '', } } local function trimArg(text) if type(text) == 'string' then text = text:match('(%S.-)%s*$') --trimmed text or nil if empty end return text end local function valueExists(tbl, value) for _, v in pairs(tbl) do if value == v then return true end end return false end local function titlecase(arg) -- -- recommended by The U.S. Government Printing Office Style Manual: -- 'Capitalize all words in titles of publications and documents, -- except a, an, the, at, by, for, in, of, on, to, up, and, as, but, or, and nor.' local alwayslower = { ['a'] = true, ['an'] = true, ['the'] = true, ['and'] = true, ['but'] = true, ['or'] = true, ['for'] = true, ['nor'] = true, ['on'] = true, ['in'] = true, ['at'] = true, ['to'] = true, ['from'] = true, ['by'] = true, ['of'] = true, ['up'] = true, } local words = mw.text.split(mw.text.trim(arg or ''), '_') for i, s in ipairs(words) do s = string.lower(s) if i > 1 then if not alwayslower[s] then s = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(s) end else s = mw.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(s) end words[i] = s end return table.concat(words, '_') end function p.main(frame) local targs = frame:getParent().args local args = {} for _, param in ipairs({1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'nobook', 'wlink', 'multi'}) do args[param] = trimArg(targs[param]) end local default_version = 'nrsv' local input_book = '' local ref = '' local version = '' local version_num local text = '' local wikilink = '' local mainspace = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():inNamespaces(0) if args[1] == nil or args[2] == nil or tonumber(args[1]) ~= nil then -- first argument is a numeric prefix and second is book name input_book = trimArg((args[1] or '') .. ' ' .. (args[2] or '')) or '' wikilink = trimArg((args[1] or 'Book of') .. ' ' .. (args[2] or '')) or '' ref = args[3] or '' version = mw.ustring.lower(args[4] or default_version) text = args[5] or trimArg((input_book .. ' ' .. ref)) else -- first argument is the whole book name input_book = args[1] or '' wikilink = 'Book of ' .. args[1] ref = args[2] or '' version = mw.ustring.lower(args[3] or default_version) text = args[4] or (input_book .. ' ' .. ref) end if args.nobook == 'yes' then text = ref end if args.wlink == 'yes' then text = ref wikilink = '[[' .. wikilink .. '|' .. input_book .. ']] ' else wikilink = '' end if args.multi == 'yes' then local linktext = text:gsub(' ', '+') return '[' .. linktext .. '&version=NRSV' .. ' ' .. text .. ']' end text = text:gsub('-', 'β') --change hyphens to en dashes (3:2-5 β 3:2β5) if tonumber(version) then version = version_num_codes[tonumber(version)] or version version_num = true end local errors = {} if version == 'jpr' or version == 'jp' then --chabad doesn't work so reroute version = 'he' if mainspace then table.insert(errors, '[[Category:Pages with Bible version errors]]') end end local book = input_book:gsub('%p', ''):gsub(' ', '_') book = mw.ustring.lower(book) local book_found = false local standard = book:gsub('_', '') for full_book, aliases in pairs(book_aliases) do if standard == full_book:gsub('_', '') or valueExists(aliases, standard) then book = full_book book_found = true break end end local site = site_tbl[version] or 'biblegateway' --fall back on biblegateway for unrecognized version because it has so many versions if apoc[book] and version == 'nrsv' and site == 'oremus' then --oremus's nrsv doesn't have the apocrypha version = 'nrsvae' --the anglicized version does end local urlpat = urlpat_tbl[site] local split_ref = mw.text.split(ref, '[-ββ]') --split the ref into the part before and after the dash/hyphen local s_ref = mw.text.split(split_ref[1], '%p') --any punctuation can be used to separate chapter from verse local e_ref = split_ref[2] or split_ref[1] e_ref = mw.text.split(e_ref, '%p') for i, v in ipairs(s_ref) do s_ref[i] = v:gsub('%D', '') end --remove any non-numeric character (such as f) for i, v in ipairs(e_ref) do e_ref[i] = v:gsub('%D', '') end local e_chap, e_vers, s_chap, s_vers local chapter_only = not s_ref[2] if no_chapters[book] then chapter_only = false s_chap = 1 s_vers = s_ref[2] or s_ref[1] or 1 --verse 3 can be specified as "3" or "1:3" e_chap = 1 e_vers = e_ref[2] or e_ref[1] or 1 else s_chap = s_ref[1] or 1 s_vers = s_ref[2] or 1 if e_ref[2] or not s_ref[2] then --chapter-chapter or chapter(:verse)?-chapter:verse e_chap = e_ref[1] or s_chap else --chapter:verse-verse e_chap = s_chap end e_vers = e_ref[2] or e_ref[1] or s_vers end if type(site_book_tbl[site]) == 'table' then book = site_book_tbl[site][book] or book end book = titlecase(book) --title case looks better at oremus where they display the input if site == 'mechon_mamre' then --special case handling for components of the url if not tonumber(s_chap) then --non-numeric characters were omitted above so this may not be what was entered error('Bibleverse error: start chapter should be a number', 0) end s_chap = string.format('%x', s_chap/10) .. (s_chap % 10) elseif site == 'biblica' or site == 'oremus' then book = book:gsub('_', '%%20') elseif site == 'esv_bible' or site == 'biblegateway' then book = book:gsub('_', '+') elseif site == 'bible_hub' then book = string.lower(book) elseif site == 'usccb' then book = book:gsub('_', '') end if type(site_version_tbl[site]) == 'table' then version = site_version_tbl[site][version] end local v_range if chapter_only then if e_chap == s_chap then v_range = s_chap else v_range = s_chap .. 'β' .. e_chap end else if e_chap == s_chap and e_vers == s_vers then v_range = s_chap ..':' .. s_vers elseif e_chap == s_chap then v_range = s_chap .. ':' .. s_vers .. 'β' .. e_vers else v_range = s_chap .. ':' .. s_vers .. 'β' .. e_chap .. ':' .. e_vers end end local url = urlpat:gsub('_%l+', { --get the components into the url _book = book, _schap = s_chap, _svers = s_vers, _echap = e_chap, _evers = e_vers, _vrange = v_range, _version = version, }) local fulllink if site == 'wikisource' then --interwikilink fulllink = wikilink .. '[[' .. url .. '|' .. text .. ']]' else fulllink = wikilink .. '[' .. url .. ' ' .. text .. ']' end if mainspace then if not book_found then table.insert(errors, '<span style="color:red">Template:Bibleverse with invalid book</span>[[Category:Pages with Bible book errors]]') end if version_num then table.insert(errors, '[[Category:Pages with numeric Bible version references]]') end end return fulllink .. table.concat(errors) end return p Summary: Please note that all contributions to Christianpedia may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here. You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource (see Christianpedia:Copyrights for details). Do not submit copyrighted work without permission! Cancel Editing help (opens in new window) Template used on this page: Module:Bibleverse/doc (view source) Discuss this page