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Do not fill this in! ==Religion== {{Main|Religion in ancient Rome|Roman imperial cult}} {{See also|History of the Jews in the Roman Empire|Early Christianity|Religious persecution in the Roman Empire|Christianization of the Roman Empire as diffusion of innovation}} {{multiple image | align = right | total_width = 320 | image1 = RMW - Opfernder Togatus.jpg | alt1 = | caption1 = A Roman priest, his [[capite velato|head ritually covered]] with a fold of his toga, extends a [[patera]] in a gesture of libation (2nd–3rd century) | image2 = Bas relief from Arch of Marcus Aurelius showing sacrifice.jpg | alt2 = | caption2 = The emperor [[Marcus Aurelius]] sacrificing at the Temple of Jupiter }} The Romans thought of themselves as highly religious, and attributed their success to their collective piety (''[[pietas]]'') and good relations with the gods (''[[pax deorum]]''). The archaic religion believed to have come from the earliest [[kings of Rome]] was the foundation of the ''[[mos maiorum]]'', "the way of the ancestors", central to Roman identity.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Eiland |first=Murray |title=Picturing Roman Belief Systems: The iconography of coins in the Republic and Empire |date=2023 |publisher=British Archaeological Reports (Oxford) Limited |isbn=978-1-4073-6071-3 |page=22|doi=10.30861/9781407360713 }}</ref> The priesthoods of the state religion were filled from the same pool of men who held public office, and the [[Pontifex Maximus]] was the emperor.{{Citation needed|date=February 2024}} Roman religion was practical and contractual, based on the principle of ''[[do ut des]]'', "I give that you might give". Religion depended on knowledge and the [[orthopraxy|correct practice]] of prayer, ritual, and sacrifice, not on faith or dogma, although Latin literature preserves learned speculation on the nature of the divine. For ordinary Romans, religion was a part of daily life.{{Sfnp|Rüpke|2007|p=4}} Each home had a household shrine to offer prayers and [[libation]]s to the family's domestic deities. Neighbourhood shrines and sacred places such as springs and groves dotted the city. The [[Roman calendar]] was structured around religious observances; as many as 135 days were devoted to [[Roman festivals|religious festivals]] and games (''[[ludi]]'').<ref>{{Cite book |last=Bunson |first=Matthew |title=A Dictionary of the Roman Empire |date=1995 |publisher=Oxford University Press |page=246}}</ref> In the wake of the [[Collapse of the Roman Republic|Republic's collapse]], state religion adapted to support the new regime. Augustus justified one-man rule with a vast programme of religious revivalism and reform. [[Vota pro salute rei publicae|Public vows]] now were directed at the wellbeing of the emperor. So-called "emperor worship" expanded on a grand scale the traditional [[Roman funerals and burial|veneration of the ancestral dead]] and of the ''[[Genius (mythology)|Genius]]'', the divine [[tutelary deity|tutelary]] of every individual. Upon death, an emperor could be made a state divinity (''[[divus]]'') by vote of the Senate. The [[Roman imperial cult]], influenced by [[Hellenistic ruler cult]], became one of the major ways Rome advertised its presence in the provinces and cultivated shared cultural identity. Cultural precedent in the Eastern provinces facilitated a rapid dissemination of Imperial cult, extending as far as [[Najran]], in present-day [[Saudi Arabia]].{{Efn|The ''[[caesareum]]'' at Najaran was possibly known later as the "Kaaba of Najran"<ref>جواد علي, المفصل في تاريخ العرب قبل الإسلام (Jawad Ali, ''Al-Mufassal fi Tarikh Al-'Arab Qabl Al-Islam''; "Commentary on the History of the Arabs Before Islam"), Baghdad, 1955–1983; {{Cite book |last=Harland |first=P. |chapter=Imperial Cults within Local Cultural Life: Associations in Roman Asia |date=2003 |title=(originally published in) Ancient History Bulletin / Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte) |volume=17 |pages=91–103}}</ref>}} Rejection of the state religion became tantamount to treason. This was the context for Rome's conflict with [[Early Christianity|Christianity]], which Romans variously regarded as a form of atheism and ''[[Glossary of ancient Roman religion#superstitio|superstitio]]''.{{Citation needed|date=February 2024}} The Romans are known for the [[List of Roman deities|great number of deities]] they honoured. As the Romans extended their territories, their general policy was to promote stability among diverse peoples by absorbing local deities and cults rather than eradicating them,{{Efn|"This mentality," notes John T. Koch, "lay at the core of the genius of cultural assimilation which made the Roman Empire possible"; entry on "Interpretatio romana," in ''Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia'' (ABC-Clio, 2006), p. 974.}} building temples that framed local theology within Roman religion. Inscriptions throughout the Empire record the side-by-side worship of local and Roman deities, including dedications made by Romans to local gods.<ref>{{Harvp|Rüpke|2007|p=4}}; {{Cite book |last=Isaac |first=Benjamin H. |title=The Invention of Racism in Classical Antiquity |date=2004 |publisher=Princeton University Press |page=449}}; {{Cite book |last=Frend |first=W.H.C. |title=Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church: A Study of Conflict from the Maccabees to Donatus |date=1967 |publisher=Doubleday |page=106}}; {{Cite book |last=Huskinson |first=Janet |title=Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity and Power in the Roman Empire |date=2000 |publisher=Routledge |page=261}}. See, for instance, the altar dedicated by a Roman citizen and depicting a sacrifice conducted in the Roman manner for the Germanic goddess [[Vagdavercustis]] in the 2nd century AD.</ref> By the height of the Empire, numerous [[interpretatio romana|syncretic or reinterpreted gods]] were cultivated, among them cults of [[Cybele]], [[Isis]], [[Epona]], and of solar gods such as [[Mithras]] and [[Sol Invictus]], found as far north as [[Roman Britain]]. Because Romans had never been obligated to cultivate one god or cult only, [[religious tolerance]] was not an issue.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Momigliano |first=Arnaldo |date=1986 |title=The Disadvantages of Monotheism for a Universal State |journal=Classical Philology |volume=81 |issue=4 |doi=10.1086/367003 |pages=285–297 |s2cid=161203730}}</ref> [[Mystery religions]], which offered initiates salvation in the afterlife, were a matter of personal choice, practiced in addition to one's [[sacra gentilicia|family rites]] and public religion. The mysteries, however, involved exclusive oaths and secrecy, which conservative Romans viewed with suspicion as characteristic of "[[Magic in the Greco-Roman world|magic]]", conspiracy (''coniuratio''), and subversive activity. Thus, sporadic and sometimes brutal attempts were made to suppress religionists. In Gaul, the power of the [[druid]]s was checked, first by forbidding Roman citizens to belong to the order, and then by banning druidism altogether. However, Celtic traditions were reinterpreted within the context of Imperial theology, and a new [[Gallo-Roman religion]] coalesced; its capital at the [[Sanctuary of the Three Gauls]] established precedent for Western cult as a form of Roman-provincial identity.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Fishwick |first=Duncan |title=The Imperial Cult in the Latin West: Studies in the Ruler Cult of the Western Provinces of the Roman Empire |date=1991 |publisher=Brill |isbn=90-04-07179-2 |volume=1 |pages=97–149}}</ref> The monotheistic rigour of [[Judaism]] posed difficulties for Roman policy that led at times to compromise and granting of special exemptions. Tertullian noted that Judaism, unlike Christianity, was considered a ''[[religio licita]]'', "legitimate religion". The [[Jewish–Roman wars]] resulted from political as well as religious conflicts; the [[Siege of Jerusalem (70)|siege of Jerusalem]] in 70 AD led to the sacking of the temple and the dispersal of Jewish political power (see [[Jewish diaspora]]). [[File:Stele Licinia Amias Terme 67646.jpg|thumb|upright|A 3rd-century funerary stele is among the [[early Christian inscriptions|earliest Christian inscriptions]], written in both Greek and Latin.]] Christianity emerged in [[Judaea (Roman province)|Roman Judaea]] as a [[Jewish Christian|Jewish religious sect]] in the 1st century and gradually [[Spread of Christianity|spread]] out of [[Jerusalem in Christianity|Jerusalem]] throughout the Empire and beyond. Imperially authorized persecutions were limited and sporadic, with martyrdoms occurring most often under the authority of local officials.<ref>{{Harvp|Bowman|Garnsey|Cameron|2005|p=616}}; {{Cite book |last=Frend |first=W.H.C. |chapter=Persecutions: Genesis and Legacy |date=2006 |title=Cambridge History of Christianity: Origins to Constantine |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn=0-521-81239-9 |volume=1 |page=510}}; {{Cite journal |last=Barnes |first=T. D. |date=2012 |title=Legislation against the Christians |journal=Journal of Roman Studies |volume=58 |issue=1–2 |doi=10.2307/299693 |pages=32–50 |jstor=299693 |s2cid=161858491}}; {{Cite journal |last=Sainte-Croix, G.E.M de |date=1963 |title=Why Were the Early Christians Persecuted? |journal=Past & Present |volume=26 |doi=10.1093/past/26.1.6 |pages=6–38}}; {{Cite book |last=Musurillo |first=Herbert |title=The Acts of the Christian Martyrs |date=1972 |publisher=Clarendon Press |pages=lviii–lxii}}; {{Cite journal |last=Sherwin-White |first=A. N. |author-link=A.N. Sherwin-White |date=1952 |title=The Early Persecutions and Roman Law Again |journal=The Journal of Theological Studies |volume=3 |issue=2 |doi=10.1093/jts/III.2.199 |pages=199–213}}</ref> [[Tacitus]] reports that after the [[Great Fire of Rome]] in AD 64, the emperor attempted to deflect blame from himself onto the Christians.<ref name="annals-xv-44">{{Cite book |last=Tacitus |title=Annals |page=[[s:The Annals (Tacitus)/Book 15#44|XV.44]]}}</ref> A major persecution occurred under the emperor [[Domitian]]<ref>{{Cite book |last=Eusebius of Caesarea |title=Church History |date=425 |author-link=Eusebius of Caesarea}}; {{Cite journal |last=Smallwood |first=E.M. |date=1956 |title='Domitian's attitude towards the Jews and Judaism |journal=Classical Philology |volume=51 |doi=10.1086/363978 |pages=1–13 |s2cid=161356789}}</ref> and a [[Persecution in Lyon|persecution in 177]] took place at Lugdunum, the Gallo-Roman religious capital. A letter from [[Pliny the Younger]], governor of [[Bithynia]], describes his persecution and executions of Christians.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Pliny |title=Epistle to Trajan on the Christians |url= |archive-url= |archive-date=11 August 2011}}</ref> The [[Decian persecution]] of 246–251 seriously threatened the [[Christian Church]], but ultimately strengthened Christian defiance.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Frend |first=W. H. C. |date=1959 |title=The Failure of the Persecutions in the Roman Empire |journal=Past and Present |volume=16 |issue=16 |doi=10.1093/past/16.1.10 |pages=10–30}}</ref> [[Diocletian]] undertook the [[Diocletianic Persecution|most severe persecution of Christians]], from 303 to 311.{{Citation needed|date=February 2024}} From the 2nd century onward, the [[Church Fathers]] condemned the diverse religions practiced throughout the Empire as "pagan".{{Sfnp|Bowersock|Brown|Grabar|1999|p=625}} In the early 4th century, [[Constantine I]] became the first emperor to [[convert to Christianity]]. He supported the Church financially and made laws that favored it, but the new religion was already successful, having moved from less than 50,000 to over a million adherents between 150 and 250.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Harnett |first=Benjamin |date=2017 |title=The Diffusion of the Codex |journal=Classical Antiquity |volume=36 |issue=2 |doi=10.1525/ca.2017.36.2.183 |pages=200, 217}}</ref> Constantine and his successors banned public sacrifice while tolerating other traditional practices. Constantine never engaged in a [[purge]],<ref name="Leithart">{{Cite book |last=Leithart |first=Peter J. |title=Defending Constantine The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom |date=2010 |publisher=InterVarsity Press |isbn=978-0-8308-2722-0 |page=304}}</ref> there were no "pagan martyrs" during his reign,<ref>{{Cite book |last=Brown |first=Peter |title=The Rise of Western Christendom: Triumph and Diversity, A.D. 200–1000 |date=2003 |publisher=Blackwell Publishers |isbn=978-0-631-22137-1 |edition=2nd |page=74 |author-link=Peter Brown (historian)}}; {{Cite book |last=Thompson |first=Glen L. |title=A Tall Order: Writing the Social History of the Ancient World – Essays in honor of William V. Harris |date=2005 |publisher=K.G. Saur |isbn=978-3-598-77828-5 |editor-last=Jean-Jacques Aubert |page=87,93 |chapter=Constantius II and the First Removal of the Altar of Victory |doi=10.1515/9783110931419 |editor-last2=Zsuzsanna Varhelyi}}</ref> and people who had not converted to Christianity remained in important positions at court.<ref name="Leithart"/>{{rp|302}} [[Julian the Apostate|Julian]] attempted to revive traditional public sacrifice and [[Hellenistic religion]], but met Christian resistance and lack of popular support.<ref>{{Cite book |last=Hunt |first=David |title=Cambridge Ancient History |date=1998 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |editor-last=Cameron |editor-first=Averil |editor-link=Averil Cameron |volume=13 |page=68 |chapter=2, Julian |editor-last2=Garnsey |editor-first2=Peter |editor-link2=Peter Garnsey}}</ref> [[File:Pantheon Rom 1 cropped.jpg|thumb|upright|The [[Pantheon, Rome|Pantheon]] in Rome, a [[Roman temple]] originally built under [[Augustus]], later converted into a [[Church architecture|Catholic church]] in the 7th century<ref>{{Cite book |last=MacDonald |first=William L. |url= |title=The Pantheon: Design, Meaning, and Progeny |date=1976 |publisher=Harvard University Press |isbn=0-674-01019-1 |author-link=William L. MacDonald |url-access=registration}}</ref>]] Christians of the 4th century believed the conversion of Constantine showed that Christianity had triumphed over paganism (in Heaven) and little further action besides such rhetoric was necessary.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Brown |first=Peter |author-link=Peter Brown (historian) |date=1993 |title=The Problem of Christianization |url= |journal=Proceedings of the British Academy |publisher=Oxford University Press |volume=84 |page=90 |access-date=3 June 2022 |archive-date=3 March 2022 |archive-url= |url-status=dead }}</ref> Thus, their focus was [[heresy in Christianity|heresy]].<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Salzman |first=Michele Renee |date=1993 |title=The Evidence for the Conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity in Book 16 of the 'Theodosian Code |journal=Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte |publisher=Franz Steiner Verlag |volume=42 |issue=3 |pages=362–378}}</ref><ref name="Brown 1998">{{Cite book |last=Brown |first=Peter |title=The Cambridge Ancient History |title-link=iarchive:iB Ca/013 |date=1998 |publisher=Cambridge University Press |isbn=978-0-521-30200-5 |editor-last=Cameron |editor-first=Averil |editor-link=Averil Cameron |volume=XIII: The Late Empire, A.D. 337–425 |pages=634, 640, 651 |chapter=Christianization and religious conflict |author-link=Peter Brown (historian) |editor-last2=Garnsey |editor-first2=Peter |editor-link2=Peter Garnsey}}</ref> According to [[Peter Brown (historian)|Peter Brown]], "In most areas, polytheists were not molested, and apart from a few ugly incidents of local violence, Jewish communities also enjoyed a century of stable, even privileged, existence".<ref name="Brown 1998"/>{{rp|641–643}}<ref>{{Cite book |last=Demarsin |first=Koen |title=The Archaeology of Late Antique 'Paganism' |date=2011 |publisher=Brill |isbn=978-90-04-19237-9 |editor-last=Lavan |editor-first=Luke |edition=volume 7; illustrated |page=liv–lv |chapter='Paganism' in Late Antiquity: Thematic studies Introduction |editor-last2=Mulryan |editor-first2=Michael}}</ref> There were anti-pagan laws, but they were not generally enforced; through the 6th century, centers of paganism existed in Athens, Gaza, Alexandria, and elsewhere.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Constantelos |first=Demetrios J. |date=1964 |title=Paganism and the State in the Age of Justinian |url= |journal=The Catholic Historical Review |volume=50 |issue=3 |pages=372–380 |jstor=25017472 |access-date=3 June 2022 |archive-date=31 May 2022 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> According to recent Jewish scholarship, toleration of the Jews was maintained under Christian emperors.{{Sfnp|Brewer|2005|p=127}} This did not extend to [[Christian heresy|heretics]]:{{Sfnp|Brewer|2005|p=127}} Theodosius I made multiple laws and acted against alternate forms of Christianity,<ref>{{Cite book |last=Sáry |first=Pál |title=Perpauca Terrena Blande Honori dedicata pocta Petrovi Blahovi K Nedožitým 80. Narodeninám |date=2019 |publisher=Trnavská univerzity |isbn=978-80-568-0313-4 |editor-last=Vojtech Vladár |page=73 |chapter=Remarks on the Edict of Thessalonica of 380}}; {{Cite journal |last=Brewer |first=Catherine |date=2005 |title=The Status of the Jews in Roman Legislation: The Reign of Justinian 527-565 Ce |url= |journal=European Judaism: A Journal for the New Europe |volume=38 |issue=2 |pages=127–139 |jstor=41443760 |access-date=3 June 2022 |archive-date=28 May 2022 |archive-url= |url-status=live }}</ref> and heretics were persecuted and killed by both the government and the church throughout Late Antiquity. Non-Christians were not persecuted until the 6th century. Rome's original religious hierarchy and ritual influenced Christian forms,{{Sfnp|Rüpke|2007|pp=406–426}}<ref>On vocabulary, see {{Cite book |last=Schilling |first=Robert |chapter=The Decline and Survival of Roman Religion |date=1992 |title=Roman and European Mythologies |publisher=University of Chicago Press |page=110}}</ref> and many pre-Christian practices survived in Christian festivals and local traditions. Summary: Please note that all contributions to Christianpedia may be edited, altered, or removed by other contributors. If you do not want your writing to be edited mercilessly, then do not submit it here. You are also promising us that you wrote this yourself, or copied it from a public domain or similar free resource (see Christianpedia:Copyrights for details). Do not submit copyrighted work without permission! Cancel Editing help (opens in new window) Discuss this page